
Present rules are applicable for all IYSF official competitions starting in 2021

pdf Online sporting and technical regulations

google slides Posture Guidelines 2021-2022

Please note that a translated (non official) version in Spanish is also available:

 pdfCompendio de Reglas Técnicas y Deportivas (ES)

 pdf Guía de Posturas 2019-2020 (ES)

Tabulation grid

The following file is a non-editable example of the tabulation grid to be used for IYSF competitions:

google spreadsheet Tabulation - example

For real competitions, IYSF will deliver a specific grid editable only by the organizer. 2 versions are available (free for all IYSF federations):

  • Online version - (require printed judges spreadsheets and a tabulator)
  • Offline version - (require printed judges spreadsheets, tabulator, and MS Excel version 2013 or more, no scores projections)

A user guide of the new tabulation grid is available here:

pdf How to fill the new tabulation grid 2019-2020.pdf

Time Judge stopwatch

This optional tool is used to help Time Judges to get precisely the stillness time in each posture, calculate the corresponding score and copy/paste it directly into the tabulation grid

Request it (email)

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